24-26 September, 2009, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Present: Special guests Mrs. Barbara Nolan & Ms. Julie Fionda – DG Education and Culture, European Commission, Patrick Werquin OECD, Georg Spoetl – Unversity of Bremen, Rolf van der Velden – ROA Maastricht, Dr. Ivan Svetlik – Minister of Labour, Family and Social Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia, Dr. Ulrich Teichler & David Coyne – former Director of the European Social Fund 300 HE management representatives, policy makers and experts from the fields of HE and labour market studies from across the world All members of the Hegesco project team
The DECOWE Conference was a major dissemination activity related to the Hegesco project. The empirical findings of several European Projects were used as a basis for dialogue between researchers, HE management staff and policy makers. The main emphasis was on the key note presentations of the European Commission, OECD, REFLEX, and HEGESCO projects. However, other participants, including researchers, management staff of educational institutions, employers, policy makers and trade union representatives, presented their own projects, ongoing activities, surveys and studies from across the world.
The event was a large success as it enabled the preliminary results of the large scale survey to be directly communicated to a very large number of HE stakeholders: three hundred directly and several thousand by email. DECOWE is also envisaged as a platform through which the Hegesco and Reflex projects will further disseminate their results through a special section of the website dedicated to the final products of the Hegesco project (see http://www.decowe.com/en/hegesco-final-reports/). For a copy of the ppt presentation, delivered by Prof. Rolf van der Velden of ROA, University of Maastricht, please click here. |