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For a pdf copy of your desired report, please click on the title below:
Competencies and Early Labour Transition of Higher Education Graduates (Eds. Rolf van der Velden & Jim Allen)
Qualitative Analysis of Higher Education Institutions and Employers (Ed. Samo Pavlin) Integrated Report of the Hegesco Findings (Matild Sagi)
(Eds. Kestutis Pukelis & Nora Pileicikiene)
Summary of Hegesco Project Results
Considerations for HE stakeholders
Document 2 - Considerations for HE Institutions and Career Centres Document 3 - Considerations for Employers Document 4 - Considerations for Policy Makers and the Scientific Community Document 5 - Considerations for HE Graduates
These reports are based on the results of a large-scale survey among graduates (extension of REFLEX) and surveys among the largest employers and HE institutions. They include country based reference points for the organisation of HE curricula, considerations for the organisation of teaching practices, cooperation with enterprises including students’ apprenticeship, the integration of research activities into curricula and critical elements for the development of instruments for HE quality assurance and monitoring, universities’ career centres and the organisation of HE practicum and competence development in general.
For the access to the HEGESCO graduates' database (Lithuania, Poland, Hungary, Slovenia and Turkey), please follow the link http://www.fdewb.unimaas.nl/roa/reflex/
With regard to good practices and evidence based surveys, we have developed a web portal derived from a large international conference which is available at www.decowe.org, where you can make links with HE stakeholders related to competence development. For copies of other deliverables of the HEGESCO project please e-mail a request to Adam Judge at This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it